Could China pull off an Invasion - Page 3 - Politics and War Forum

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Re: Could China pull off an Invasion
Thursday, January 26, 2006 10:28 PM on
Well, there is only one road that leads onto the main part of the base. They can go straight from the beach onto the rest of the base, they just have to cross an interstate highway, and some really horrid mountains to do so.

Yella02-I promise I will return to you in one piece and this will stay up until I am safely home

Re: Could China pull off an Invasion
Friday, January 27, 2006 8:38 AM on
Again, if they tried, it would be one of the biggest military disasters since Dunkirk, and considering that they are the people that gave birth to Sun Tzu's "Art of War", i doubt they'd fall into that blunder.

If they really wanted to take over, they'd just have to convince all of our enemies to leave us alone for a good 50-60 years, let the internal politics kill all support for the system, and have a good healthy portion of the populace willing to topple the government. See also: Roman Empire--the fall of.

Goodbye Callisto & Skađi, Hello Ishara:
2022 Kia Stinger GT2 AWD
The only thing every single person from every single walk of life on earth can truly say
they have in common is that their country is run by a bunch of fargin iceholes.
Re: Could China pull off an Invasion
Friday, January 27, 2006 9:32 AM on

Compton is one thing... imagine if they fought through the West and MidWest and got to the South... hahahahaha rednecks would be all over them.

hahahaha yea you put it exactly right. IF they made it into the U.S. they would def get some resistance from the south. I am from east texas and i can honestly say that if the need arised that me and my buddies from high school alone could combine all of the weapons and ammo we own and start our own small army haha.

thats what you get when u are raised in the country


I need photoshop...cause its time for a new sig
Re: Could China pull off an Invasion
Friday, January 27, 2006 10:49 AM on
Ashley Becker wrote:
IamRascal wrote:I believe that china could invade the US if we were landlocked with them. The logistics of bringing over the needed troops to invade and hold ground would be stopped before landfall was made.

Also I hate when people make comments about americans need to stop being lazy and defend their own country.

When was the last time we had to defend our country? Exactly.

I don't support the IRAQ war, but I still support the troops. I feel sorry that bad leadership has sent the sons and daughters of America to fight and die on foreign soil.

Just like keeper said, if i was fighting it wouldn't be to save america, but to save my family and my way of life, ala the South during the civil war.

Have you ever been in the Military? Probably not. I'm sorry but you know nothing about what it means to protect America and serving it! My husband shouldn't die to protect your Freedom if you are unappreciative, but he has pride in America and is willing to put his life on the line for the citizens of this Country and many other Countries even for ungrateful people like you who would never do the same for him, can you say the same? And yes before you asked I served my Country and did my time People like you make me angry because do you really appreciate the sacrifices our troops make for your Freedom? I don't think you do.

Both my father and my Grandfather served in the military. My father made me promise to never join the military unless it was as an Officer to quote him "My grandfather and I have served enough time for our family".

I'm sorry that you still belive so animately that what the commander and chief is doing right. You and your husband made an active choice to join the military, I do not, and will not unless I'm forced to via a draft because I do not believe what the US is doing is right. Attacking Iraq IS NOT defending america no matter how it's been twisted and people have tried to relate it to 911. It is occupying a once soverign nation on false pretenses and is horribly understaffed. Your husband is not protecting my freedoms and rights if he's in IRAQ. He is being used by the commander and chief to push an agenda based on false pretenses, and flawed information.

I'm not the one you should be angry at. I'm a citizen who pays taxes at a rate of 25% to the federal government to pay the wages of the government whomever they be, being in a suit, or wearing a uniform.

If China decided to invade america, I'd be one of the first people out there with a rifle defending america, because when they show up at my door, then they are a threat to myself, my family, and my way of life(the way the US is organized).


Re: Could China pull off an Invasion
Friday, January 27, 2006 11:11 AM on
In all reality, they's never make it to the south. There's no way an invasion force can get heavy armor across the Cascades, Sieera Nevada, and the rockies unless they truck them or fly them. If they made it that far, their foces, morale, and supply lines would be so depleted that we'd get them right as the come out of the eastern rockies foothills.

Rascal--it's her and her hubby's right to say they beilieve what Bush is doing is best--it's your right not to agree with them. Don't tell her she's wrong--because then you'd be no better than the people calling *us* wrong for not believing in our CiC no matter what.

Everyone has the freedom of their own opinion--and if you believe othewise no matter what side you're on, then you're being the "unamerican" one.

Why, In my opinion, the House Unamerican Activities committe should have been interrogating McCarthy...

Goodbye Callisto & Skađi, Hello Ishara:
2022 Kia Stinger GT2 AWD
The only thing every single person from every single walk of life on earth can truly say
they have in common is that their country is run by a bunch of fargin iceholes.
Re: Could China pull off an Invasion
Friday, January 27, 2006 11:21 AM on
IamRascal wrote:
Ashley Becker wrote:
IamRascal wrote:
I'm sorry that you still belive so animately that what the commander and chief is doing right. You and your husband made an active choice to join the military, I do not, and will not unless I'm forced to via a draft because I do not believe what the US is doing is right. Attacking Iraq IS NOT defending america no matter how it's been twisted and people have tried to relate it to 911. It is occupying a once soverign nation on false pretenses and is horribly understaffed. Your husband is not protecting my freedoms and rights if he's in IRAQ. He is being used by the commander and chief to push an agenda based on false pretenses, and flawed information.

I'm not the one you should be angry at. I'm a citizen who pays taxes at a rate of 25% to the federal government to pay the wages of the government whomever they be, being in a suit, or wearing a uniform.

If China decided to invade america, I'd be one of the first people out there with a rifle defending america, because when they show up at my door, then they are a threat to myself, my family, and my way of life(the way the US is organized).

and that would be the diffrence between the people that stand up and do stuff and thoes that sit on the sidelines


"An appeal to arms and the God of hosts is all that is left us. But we shall not fight our battle alone. There is a just God that presides over the destinies of nations. The battle sir, is not of the strong alone. Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it almighty God. I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death."

Speech at the Second Virginia Convention at St. John's Church in Richmond, Virginia (23 March 1775) Patrick Henry

Re: Could China pull off an Invasion
Friday, January 27, 2006 11:52 AM on
Rascal, How can you try and attack her and her husband for their beliefs ? How would like like it if you were called a coward for not wanting to join and go fight for your country?
And yes it is for your country they are fighting. You may not believe in the the cause or the politics but in a time of war, which like it on not THIS IS, you are either with or against your country. If your with fine, if your against and don't like it then leave. See Keeper walks a very fine line, he is against Dubya and thinks the war is wrong but you never hear him condem the men and women of this country and the job they are doing. You may want to go get your flame suit on cause to be little our troops at a time when so many are dying for a war that is iffie at best is grounds for a flaming like you've never seen before. I'm not trying to start in on you as I'm SURE others will soon enough I'm just letting you know I think you just stepped in it up to your eyeballs.

Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.

Re: Could China pull off an Invasion
Friday, January 27, 2006 12:36 PM on
I'll retract my previous statement and say I acted in haste.

I'm sorry but you know nothing about what it means to protect America and serving it!

My husband shouldn't die to protect your Freedom if you are unappreciative, but he has pride in America and is willing to put his life on the line for the citizens of this Country and many other Countries even for ungrateful people like you who would never do the same for him, can you say the same?

People like you make me angry because do you really appreciate the sacrifices our troops make for your Freedom? I don't think you do.

These three lines made me irate. I worked for the federal government for 3 years while in high school, so I've experienced first hand the political bull@!#$ that goes on.

I am appreciative for what Our troops do for us, however I don't believe they should be over in IRAQ, nothing can change that, and I realize their is little the troops can do given their situation and the fact that they are following orders.

I'm not ungratefull for those who serve us in times of war and help protect our allies, whom in return help to protectect the US.

Calling me ungratefull, and saying would not put my life on the line for others strikes a nerve.


Re: Could China pull off an Invasion
Friday, January 27, 2006 12:41 PM on
Jackalope wrote:Rascal, How can you try and attack her and her husband for their beliefs ? How would like like it if you were called a coward for not wanting to join and go fight for your country?
And yes it is for your country they are fighting. You may not believe in the the cause or the politics but in a time of war, which like it on not THIS IS, you are either with or against your country. If your with fine, if your against and don't like it then leave. See Keeper walks a very fine line, he is against Dubya and thinks the war is wrong but you never hear him condem the men and women of this country and the job they are doing. You may want to go get your flame suit on cause to be little our troops at a time when so many are dying for a war that is iffie at best is grounds for a flaming like you've never seen before. I'm not trying to start in on you as I'm SURE others will soon enough I'm just letting you know I think you just stepped in it up to your eyeballs.

Thanks Terry

IamRascal: And exactly what I said earlier to you, My husband shouldn't die to protect your Freedom if you are unappreciative, but he has pride in America and is willing to put his life on the line for the citizens of this Country and many other Countries even for ungrateful people like you who would never do the same for him, can you say the same?

Citizens of this Country not just himself and his family, you know nothing about being in the Military or any other profession that protects you, all you care about is yourself and thats sad.

Keeper: Oh and so you know, the reason I got out is because I wanting to finish up my school with getting my Law degree and I got knee surgery and I had a hard time recovering from it.

Re: Could China pull off an Invasion
Friday, January 27, 2006 12:42 PM on
Jackalope wrote:Rascal, How can you try and attack her and her husband for their beliefs ? How would like like it if you were called a coward for not wanting to join and go fight for your country?
And yes it is for your country they are fighting. You may not believe in the the cause or the politics but in a time of war, which like it on not THIS IS, you are either with or against your country. If your with fine, if your against and don't like it then leave. See Keeper walks a very fine line, he is against Dubya and thinks the war is wrong but you never hear him condem the men and women of this country and the job they are doing. You may want to go get your flame suit on cause to be little our troops at a time when so many are dying for a war that is iffie at best is grounds for a flaming like you've never seen before. I'm not trying to start in on you as I'm SURE others will soon enough I'm just letting you know I think you just stepped in it up to your eyeballs.

I also don't understand how I was belittleing our troops.

How can you say that being against the war is being against this country. I'm not trying to belittle our troops, I belive they are the biggest victims in this entire thing. I belive we should support our troops with any means necessary, just because I don't belive in the cause doesn't mean I still don't feel and care for the soldiers losing their lives everyday over there.

People can flame me all they want apparently what I want to say isn't coming out right.

In short.

I'm strongly against the war, but for the troops, and China can't successfully invade.


Re: Could China pull off an Invasion
Friday, January 27, 2006 1:00 PM on
Ash: Good reason. Bad knee plus long marches equal extremely bad time. ;P

Still, i'll say something I think Rascal was trying to say. Even though both you and your husband are ready, willing, and able to defend the country, this war IMHO isn't defending the country--American citizen's lives are not at stake. Be it oil, revenge, WoMD--the invasion of Iraq is politically motivated. The Soldiers, Seamen, Marines, and Airmen are just doing their job and following orders, yes--they are fighting for a cause that many of them believe strongly in. I don't have personal issues with that. I have the issue with what this war represents. I'm not going to fight because a madman has WoMD--if that was the case we should have been invaded many times before because we have had madmen in thw whitehouse, and we have a stockpile of them. We also aren't screwing with N. Korea, China, Pakistan, India, France, Britain, and Russia--among other countries that do have those weapons. I'm not goign to pick up arms and kill people so we can piollute the planet even more, and drop the price of oil so that any Joe Schmoe can buy an Escalade and afoerd to fill it up. And really, IMHO, if the Iraqis were upset enough at Hussein, they could have done what we did in 1776, and if we were so gung-ho against hussein, we could have suppled the people with weapons to defend themselves.

If you want something bad enough, you will fight for it. I look at this war and all of the probable causes of it and i see that us fighting it is less than honorable. But that's not the fault of the military--that's the fault of the politicians who are building their empires on the lives of people like Saint, You, and your Husband.

So, your husband and you are willing to fight and defend the freedom of americans. I admire that. I think, though, you should be proud of americans like myself, who are fighting the politicians and their ambitions for power to try to bring your husband back home and into your arms where he belongs .

Goodbye Callisto & Skađi, Hello Ishara:
2022 Kia Stinger GT2 AWD
The only thing every single person from every single walk of life on earth can truly say
they have in common is that their country is run by a bunch of fargin iceholes.

Re: Could China pull off an Invasion
Friday, January 27, 2006 1:07 PM on
[quote=Keeper of the Light™]Ash: Good reason. Bad knee plus long marches equal extremely bad time. ;P

Still, i'll say something I think Rascal was trying to say. Even though both you and your husband are ready, willing, and able to defend the country, this war IMHO isn't defending the country--American citizen's lives are not at stake. Be it oil, revenge, WoMD--the invasion of Iraq is politically motivated. The Soldiers, Seamen, Marines, and Airmen are just doing their job and following orders, yes--they are fighting for a cause that many of them believe strongly in. I don't have personal issues with that. I have the issue with what this war represents. I'm not going to fight because a madman has WoMD--if that was the case we should have been invaded many times before because we have had madmen in thw whitehouse, and we have a stockpile of them. We also aren't screwing with N. Korea, China, Pakistan, India, France, Britain, and Russia--among other countries that do have those weapons. I'm not goign to pick up arms and kill people so we can piollute the planet even more, and drop the price of oil so that any Joe Schmoe can buy an Escalade and afoerd to fill it up. And really, IMHO, if the Iraqis were upset enough at Hussein, they could have done what we did in 1776, and if we were so gung-ho against hussein, we could have suppled the people with weapons to defend themselves.

If you want something bad enough, you will fight for it. I look at this war and all of the probable causes of it and i see that us fighting it is less than honorable. But that's not the fault of the military--that's the fault of the politicians who are building their empires on the lives of people like Saint, You, and your Husband.

So, your husband and you are willing to fight and defend the freedom of americans. I admire that. I think, though, you should be proud of americans like myself, who are fighting the politicians and their ambitions for power to try to bring your husband back home and into your arms where he belongs .

I think that people who fight to bring home troops is contributing or the people who fight for other causes, its the people that claim that they would fight, but only to protect themselves and their family is who I have a problem with. IamRascal still doesn't get it, he acts as though he doesn't care about anybody but himself and his family and he doesn't care what happens to those who are protecting him like military or police officers, ect. He will only care if his life in general is in danger and that selfish and a person who is ungrateful and takes things for granted.

Re: Could China pull off an Invasion
Friday, January 27, 2006 1:12 PM on
Ok, cool maybe I did misunderstand you my bad. Glad to know your only against the war.

Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.

Re: Could China pull off an Invasion
Friday, January 27, 2006 1:22 PM on
Ashley Becker wrote:IamRascal still doesn't get it, he acts as though he doesn't care about anybody but himself and his family and he doesn't care what happens to those who are protecting him like military or police officers, ect. He will only care if his life in general is in danger and that selfish and a person who is ungrateful and takes things for granted.

I care for many people besides myself. If you knew me personally you'd realize that I'm one of the least selfish people you'd ever meet. I care for many more people than my family and friends. I pray for this whole war to be over and for the sons and daughters of America to come home.

I've gone out on a limb many times to help people. There are many ways that one can serve the public other than defense, I also understand that I fill this role better than picking up a rifle and joining the armed forces. I've done a ton of non-profit work, helped people I didn't know even when it inconvienced me. I'm the guy that sees you in the parking lot when your car won't start and offers to give you a jump start, or help call a towtruck, then refuses to take any money from you for the help I provided.

If that makes me self centered then so be it, I'm hurt that you feel that way about me, and if I've offended you then I'm sorry, that was not my intention.


Re: Could China pull off an Invasion
Friday, January 27, 2006 3:04 PM on
Back to the topic of China...

mikec2003 wrote:so the longest undeveloped coastline in CA is right on top of a Marine Corps installation......well i guess that rules that out as a landing site nothing like landing an assault force into a camp of Marines. isn't that about the same as walking into a police station and shooting a cop

Invading a Marine corp base would be a good place to start. The hit ratio per bomb would be high and if they didn't fight them right away, they'd eventually have to fight them at whatever location they tried to occupy. Plus whatever guns and ammo were left would be available to the Chinese army.

Ever had to fight more than one person? You have to take out the big dude first, otherwise he's going to nail you while you're fighting the smaller dude.

They might be able to take over a smaller less guarded section of the coast, but they'd have to face these marines sooner or later.

John Wilken
2002 Cavalier
2.2 Vin code 4
Re: Could China pull off an Invasion
Saturday, January 28, 2006 4:54 AM on
YES ! Attack a Marine base. Noone would ever notice Why not just have them call the whit house and ask for directions on how to get there?

Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.

Re: Could China pull off an Invasion
Saturday, January 28, 2006 6:44 PM on
No country can invade the United States because we all have guns!!!
Re: Could China pull off an Invasion
Saturday, January 28, 2006 8:14 PM on

They might be able to take over a smaller less guarded section of the coast, but they'd have to face these marines sooner or later.

Well, IF they ever reached the West Coast, they would be beat up and demoralized, plus we'd be waiting for them... the Marines, plus the Army, AirForce, and Navy... and yeah, a few divisions of rednecks

Re: Could China pull off an Invasion
Sunday, January 29, 2006 1:21 PM on
I do not think China could ever succeed in invading the US, there is just too much against them. Even if they made it to the US, we still have many allies who would be attacking them at home, while they were getting decimated over here. We do have a technological advantage, even if slight, but also training and experience are far greater. It is almost impossible to get near American soil undetected, even if they had allies along the way, and we are no where near defenseless even with a war going on over seas. There is also the consideration of urban combat, when attacking an enemies home territory with ground troops, casualties are always high, but always higher for the aggressor.

As for those who say they would fight for their themselves and their family, but not for their country, they are most likely to be the first to surrender given the option. When someone fights for their country and their fellow Americans they will fight against odds for their belief, but when fighting only for yourself or friends, they are more likely to surrender if the opportunity arises or the odds go against them. When you have the choice to stand and fight and possibly die, or waive the white flag and become a prisoner, without beliefs you are far more likely to take the easy out when your life or your families is on the line.

Does anyone know the actual troop count for China and the US? It's one thing to say they have more people, and another to say their army is that much larger.
Re: Could China pull off an Invasion
Sunday, January 29, 2006 1:25 PM on
SPITfire wrote:Well, IF they ever reached the West Coast, they would be beat up and demoralized, plus we'd be waiting for them... the Marines, plus the Army, AirForce, and Navy... and yeah, a few divisions of rednecks

It's this kind of arrogance that will get the US a major ass kicking. The US isn't invincible, we already have a good chunk of our military half-way around the world and let's not forget we've got a bully with a chip on his shoulder for a president.

As far as a "few divisions of rednecks", it's easy to claim that you'd fight an invading force when posting on a website. It's a complete other issue when there are Chinese tanks rolling down your street. Go ahead, point your pistol at a tank, see what happens.

John Wilken
2002 Cavalier
2.2 Vin code 4
Re: Could China pull off an Invasion
Sunday, January 29, 2006 2:08 PM on
John Wilken wrote:
SPITfire wrote:Well, IF they ever reached the West Coast, they would be beat up and demoralized, plus we'd be waiting for them... the Marines, plus the Army, AirForce, and Navy... and yeah, a few divisions of rednecks

It's this kind of arrogance that will get the US a major ass kicking. The US isn't invincible, we already have a good chunk of our military half-way around the world and let's not forget we've got a bully with a chip on his shoulder for a president.

As far as a "few divisions of rednecks", it's easy to claim that you'd fight an invading force when posting on a website. It's a complete other issue when there are Chinese tanks rolling down your street. Go ahead, point your pistol at a tank, see what happens.

yeah this kind of aka kool-aid drinker according to Bill O'reilly that needs to grow up. learn about military and think. you truely think a good chunk of our service men and women are over their look at the numbers of people in our military and you might rethink that. as for a the bully with a chip on his shoulder president then hell yeah and keep on kicking i'd rather have him their then a lying fool like Kerry trying to make the calls. at least the bully stays his grounds and dosen't change his view point every time someone questions him. and screw politcal correctness too. you don't like it oh well.

Re: Could China pull off an Invasion
Sunday, January 29, 2006 2:23 PM on
03ecosilvercav wrote:yeah this kind of aka kool-aid drinker according to Bill O'reilly that needs to grow up. learn about military and think. you truely think a good chunk of our service men and women are over their look at the numbers of people in our military and you might rethink that. as for a the bully with a chip on his shoulder president then hell yeah and keep on kicking i'd rather have him their then a lying fool like Kerry trying to make the calls. at least the bully stays his grounds and dosen't change his view point every time someone questions him. and screw politcal correctness too. you don't like it oh well.

I don't want this to turn into another "Bush sucks" thread, but our troops were sent to that part of the world to hunt for Osama... Anyone remember Osama? Then our bully president got a bug up his keister and decided on a whim to invade Iraq, what the hell the troops are already nearby. And being a bully, this won't be the last military invasion Bush will attempt.

Ecosilver, you stated that I should "look at the numbers" before I say that our military is spread too thin to survive a Chinese invasion. Do you have a link to any reputable source to support this?

John Wilken
2002 Cavalier
2.2 Vin code 4
Re: Could China pull off an Invasion
Sunday, January 29, 2006 2:46 PM on
I know you were not asking me but I did find this:

Reputable I have no idea, but according to them we have 499,000 active duty and 700,000 NG and Res. With 130,000 in Iraq, 9,000 in Afghanistan, 3,000 in Bosnia, and 37,000 in South Korea. Also I'm pretty sure they are refering to Army only, though I can't be sure, so you still have Navy, Marines, and Air Force and all of their reserve to count too.

I found one website that said the Chinese army was around 2.2 million and they were trying to downsize due to costs.
Re: Could China pull off an Invasion
Sunday, January 29, 2006 3:11 PM on
Eric Esler wrote:I know you were not asking me but I did find this:

Reputable I have no idea, but according to them we have 499,000 active duty and 700,000 NG and Res. With 130,000 in Iraq, 9,000 in Afghanistan, 3,000 in Bosnia, and 37,000 in South Korea. Also I'm pretty sure they are refering to Army only, though I can't be sure, so you still have Navy, Marines, and Air Force and all of their reserve to count too.

I found one website that said the Chinese army was around 2.2 million and they were trying to downsize due to costs.

Thanks for the link, Eric. I can accept that is going to be as accurate as any other source. If my math is correct, there are 142,000 of 499,000 troops overseas. That works out to about 28.4 percent, which I would assume is about the percentage of all US troops from all divisions of the military.

If it's taken almost one third of our military to take over a country that doesn't have wmd's or a strong military, how can we arrogantly say that we'd win against the Chinese with only 2/3rds of our total force left?

John Wilken
2002 Cavalier
2.2 Vin code 4
Re: Could China pull off an Invasion
Sunday, January 29, 2006 4:36 PM on
The numbers are for the Army only. There are 130,000 troops over in Iraq, however there is more then 499,000 Active Duty Service Members, the actual number is closer to 1 million, with appx. that many more in the Reserves and National Guard. There are 179,000 Active Duty Marines alone, and the Army and Navy have at least 3x as many troops each as the Marine Corps.

An Amphibious Assault on the Continental United States is not a good idea due to the length of time it would take to get across either ocean, would give the US military time to intercept them with Carrier Battle Groups, and setup a defense for any stragglers. The First Marine Expeditionary Force, which includes a Division, Air Wing and Logistics Group is based on the West Coast, as well as the Army units at Fort Irwin. By the time the depleted Chinese units arrived on the coast there would be an overwhelming defensive network set up, and due to the distances there will not be a good way to deceive us as to where the landing site would be so we would be able to set up in time to overwhelm any invading units and prevent, or at the least slow down the ability of the Invaders to get a foothold on United States soil.

Yella02-I promise I will return to you in one piece and this will stay up until I am safely home

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