The truth (found on Myspace) - Page 3 - Politics and War Forum

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Re: The truth (found on Myspace)
Monday, February 13, 2006 8:31 AM on
Already posted on it back in Nov or something...........

But this is deffinately a crybabies work..........

N2O + Bolt-ons = 220Hp/250Tq

Coming Soon:HpTunersPro, EagleConnectingRods, WiescoPistons, 13sec2200

Re: The truth (found on Myspace)
Wednesday, February 22, 2006 10:37 PM on
Well I don't think the whites shouldn't be scard to say what they really belive!!! If i black guy says i hate honkeys they give him rapping job and everybody says we love you! If a white guy say i hate niggers they he is the anti christ!!! So if we live in the good old freedom land(which we don't) We should be able to say what ever is on our mind. SO HERE I GO cavistyle AMEN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If the blacks can stand up for there race i will stand up for mine!!!!!!!!! Why don't we just face facts alot of people are racist I hate when whites let words slip that they belive. Then they relise it and lie and cover it up buy saying i have black friends!! Like omg i better say that or iam a bad person. Stop lying to other people and your self!! And to all of you people who don't agree with me I am the devil him self!!!!!! lol

darkblade j
Re: The truth (found on Myspace)
Thursday, February 23, 2006 5:05 AM on
funny thing is, white folks buy rap CDs too. *GASP* imagine that.

effing closed-minded bigot.

Re: The truth (found on Myspace)
Tuesday, March 07, 2006 1:02 PM on
my friend don is the blackest, most ghetto hood i know. i mean, cornrows, braids, fubu, raggety old dodge. he's dating a white girl, and they have a kid together.


Don treats his kid right, and that's what matters to me.

now someone post a bunny with a pankcakce on his head

Re: The truth (found on Myspace)
Tuesday, March 07, 2006 10:17 PM on
Here's one thing that always got me. I was dicussing this with someone,or some people, a while back... but I can't remember who (I think you were there Art... but my memory is failing me)

Until everyone stops "stereotyping"... or until everyone stops "separating" each other based upon race, sex, religion, income levels, etc... there is going to never be any unity or equality amongst anyone period. Blacks, whites, oriental, jewish, arabic, women, the "poor", the "rich"... it's just not going to happen as long as everyone has their own little groups.

We do need to start Acting more like Americans, or Canadians, or whatever,... and be united within our countries to have equality.

In that sense, you could argue that having organizations, and scholarships, and such in place for different individuals, is only in a sense helping the "separating" and un-unity in this country stick around. Maybe for scholarships there should be no mention of whether or not the student is white, black, chinese, scottish, italian, male, female, whatever. Have the scholarships based on financial need, and drive to be successful. (how to measure that, I have no idea... but it is unfair to "discriminate" against anyone who may not have come from the best of schools if they really want to succeed in life and get a secondary education.

Take me for example... I come from a low-income "white" family, and am female (as many of you know). We've struggled all my life with making ends meet. My mom never had the extra money to start college savings for me and my sister when we were younger, and my father is disabled (besides, they divorced when I was like... 8 or 9). I'm having a heck of a time trying to find scholarships because I didn't do too well in high school. I'll be 25 on March 11th. I KNOW if I would have gone to college right out of high school I either would have not taken it as seriously, not tried hard enough and got poor grades, or not be happy with the career path I thought I wanted back then. Right now, the MOST important thing to me is going back to college and making something of myself. I KNOW to do what it is I want to do, I'm going to have to bust my azz and strive and do everything I can to pull as close to a 4.0 as possible to get into Grad School. I have no one in my family that can help me, I have no one in my family that can co-sign for student loans. But most scholarships are based on how well your grades were in high school. Why should people who don't care about college get all these scholarships and have them go to waste? (There ARE kids that don't take college seriously and slack off). Some of you may be thinking at this moment "Well you'll just have to handle a full time job and go to school"... read on.

Now... I am NOT looking for a free handout... just help. But as I've found so far it's hard to find. I have a chronic disease that makes sometimes even the smallest things difficult to accomplish. (CFIDS, or Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome). It's more than just "being tired". There's some days it's hard for me to even get out of bed... not because I dont' want to, but because I just don't have the energy,... but I try to kick my own arse anyway. Muscle and joint pain, sometimes just putting on my socks hurts. There's times I can't remember the most simple things, or stop talking mid-sentence and can't remember what I'm talking about. My body has trouble regulating it's temperature... one minute I'm freezing the next minute I'm sweating... low blood volume... (Thank gosh I'm on medication that helps with it, but there IS no cure, they don't even know what exactly causes it yet). Now... my plan is to work at LEAST part time and go to school full time... and I'm going to do everthing I can to do so. But if my grades fall... I can't do it. I've had to live with this for the past 10-11 years, but I've never given up or stopped trying my best. But the scholarship system is kinda messed up in SOME ways to begin with.

Sometimes it is frustrating that there's scholarships for people just because they're italian, or just because someone's parent or spouse works at Wal-Mart, etc, etc... when I know that there's literally thousands of people just like me who could use an extra hand to try to better themselves and their life. And there ARE instances where people who don't really NEED the extra help get it, where there's tons of people that NEED it, and can't get it.

But until people stop making organizations that separate people, or special things for separate people... we're going to continue to be just that... separate... and NOT be united. IF everyone woke up and realized that underneath our skin, we ARE the same color, we bleed the same blood,... it's not going to happen. People need to learn to also accept the fact that everyone is different. I mean seriously... how much intelligence can it POSSIBLY take to make the realization that everyone is different? So you're different than me... so freaking what?? You don't like broccoli and I do... so what?? You like opera music and I like metal... so what? You believe in Buddha or Allah and I think differently... so freaking what?? The world would be boring as all get out if we were all exactly the same. Don't like someone's opinion? Be on your way and forget about it. Stop letting every little thing offend you, accept each other's differences, and move on with your life. Stop pittying yourselves (directed at people in general) and realize that everyone has different challenges we must face in our lives, it's how we handle them and how we perceive them, and how we overcome them that makes a difference. It's up to us to change how the future generations see things...

Re: The truth (found on Myspace)
Tuesday, March 07, 2006 11:56 PM on
my only question here is, when has being white ever hindered your life or advancement? i know it never has for me or anyone white that i know for that matter. the same can't be said for any of my friends or acquaintances of other races. i honestly don't see much to be proud of when i mark down on an application or whatever that i'm white. ahh yes, that's right, we're the superior race. bah. we're all humans, not white or black or asian.

by the way, those institutions that exist, such as the naacp, do so for a reason. it's because the history of blacks in the country included slavery, racism, no voting rights, and a time when they were counted as 3/5 of a person. they have had to fight for everything and they have still yet to attain equality. we can have this argument about women too. there are plenty of organizations to help advance women. wages still aren't equal between men and women. you and i, as white men, have never experienced any such inequalities. so think about that before you complain about the naacp and black history month and how it would be racist if you formed the white entertainment channel. i wish we didn't need to have the naacp and other organizations to advance women, blacks, and any minority, but until equality is achieved and people realize we are all humans, such organizations need to exist.

i hate even having this argument. it's ludicrous and rediculous when white men complain about any other race or women having organizations to help them. bah.

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