All political problems in the world SOLVED... by me - Politics and War Forum

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All political problems in the world SOLVED... by me
Wednesday, November 08, 2006 3:03 AM on
Okay, I've had enough. The DEMOCRATS are winning and I don't know wether to be mortified or pleased... AND I'M NOT EVEN AMERICAN.

Know what'd been worse? If the Republicans had won.

Now what kind of a political race is it when BOTH alternatives sucks? Is this even a choice? In Canada we have 4 viable political parties but it still feels like you're voting for who has the smallest genetalia to rape you in the prison showers.

But I, as always, have a solution! Yes, finally someone can solve this dilemna.

A "No confidence" option on the ballot.

You got all your choices of candidates AND "no confidence" which, if the latter is chosen, means that you feel that none of the candidates are worth the dog crap on your shoe and that we have to go through the whole voting/campaigning/election process anew, with of course NEW candidates.

Trust me, once the major parties see their campaign funds dwindle to nothing and have the independent third parties beat them in spending on the campaign trail you're gonna see some serious and honest candidates show up in the Republican and Democratic arena. There's too much money being flung around for independents to prosper in the political scene so the best solution is to bankrupt them through years of constant campaigning because the we, the people have voted that they suck so bad we'd rather have no government than their proposed government.

If anyone has a better idea, post away, but I think mine has promise. It uses fear and greed as it's cornerstone. Can't go wrong with that.

Re: All political problems in the world SOLVED... by me
Wednesday, November 08, 2006 4:58 AM on
best idea i've heard in a while. unfortunately, the inherent flaw in democracy is that it lets the common person choose their leaders, but they only get to choose (generally) from two people who (generally)have the same agenda.

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Re: All political problems in the world SOLVED... by me
Wednesday, November 08, 2006 6:38 AM on

im not excited that the democrats won, if anything I believe that nothing will get done for the next few years.

But, it will be interesting.

Re: All political problems in the world SOLVED... by me
Wednesday, November 08, 2006 9:35 AM on
I have an eaiser solution:

make political parties illegal, and anyone caught within one gets preemtively put to death by impalement for treason.

Goodbye Callisto & Skaši, Hello Ishara:
2022 Kia Stinger GT2 AWD
The only thing every single person from every single walk of life on earth can truly say
they have in common is that their country is run by a bunch of fargin iceholes.
Re: All political problems in the world SOLVED... by me
Wednesday, November 08, 2006 9:52 AM on
I like your idea Jeremy. You have my support.


Re: All political problems in the world SOLVED... by me
Wednesday, November 08, 2006 9:55 AM on
That's actually a pretty good idea.

Also, free food when you come out to vote.

Re: All political problems in the world SOLVED... by me
Wednesday, November 08, 2006 10:04 AM on
I just hope both partys can work together like adults, if not it will be a LONG couple of years.

Re: All political problems in the world SOLVED... by me
Wednesday, November 08, 2006 10:09 AM on
i believe i suggested something extremely similar in a previous political related post within the past month.

we have talked about this my my poly sci class numerous times.

not for exactly the same reason

and in our debates we didnt suggest a "no confidence" or a new election, although that may be a good idea

the basis behind our debates was more along the lines that when you only have 2 or 3 candidates and you are FORCED to pick one, even tho you dont really like any of them leads teh government to believe via the stats that the us ACTUALLY wants the person who won to govern them. when in fact it could very well be that america just hated them the least.

also you have a LOT of peopel who dont vote and we have no way of knowing why. its acceptable to assume MANY non voters do not vote because they dont like the choices, but the gvnmt has no stats to indicate that.

to solve this there needs to be an option on ballets that somehow means you dislike all options and would like to send a message saying this. or perhaps your just not sure and you dont want to give your vote out when your not sure.

this can also help prevent what could be VOTER FRAUD in which you fill out a ballet and on one or two races or a prop or two you cant decide so you dont fill in an option. well this situation is a possible breeding ground for imorality in which a vote counter sees a ballet with no marked entry on said race or prop and fills it in, in accordance with his own agenda.

Creative Draft Art Media Forums
Re: All political problems in the world SOLVED... by me
Wednesday, November 08, 2006 10:31 AM on
SunfireN2o( theAnGrYCnSrvTve) wrote:hmmmmmm

im not excited that the democrats won, if anything I believe that nothing will get done for the next few years.

But, it will be interesting.

Id rather have nothing happen than a bunch of bad @!#$ happen...

Re: All political problems in the world SOLVED... by me
Wednesday, November 08, 2006 11:58 AM on

That's what I was going to say. Sometimes, there's nothing wrong with nothing.

Re: All political problems in the world SOLVED... by me
Wednesday, November 08, 2006 12:23 PM on
Keepers idea is better though.

I've never heard of this "part throttle" before. Does it just bolt on?

Re: All political problems in the world SOLVED... by me
Wednesday, November 08, 2006 1:11 PM on
Leave the parties.

Take away the right to vote from people who are on welfare. They're not paying to support the system, why should they have the right to determine it's direction? Politicians pandering to those people is how 90% of them stay in office. If the taxpaying portion of society were the only ones voting they'd actually have to DO something to keep their jobs.

<flame suit on>


Re: All political problems in the world SOLVED... by me
Wednesday, November 08, 2006 1:16 PM on
interesting concept.

except not all people on welfare are stupid and not attempting to get OUT of welfare. and by restricting their acces to their rights to vote as a citizen would be actively attempting to keep them in poverty.

and im not sure if there is anything we can do right now to make these effing politicians do their damn jobs.

Creative Draft Art Media Forums
Re: All political problems in the world SOLVED... by me
Wednesday, November 08, 2006 1:21 PM on
Here's another suggestion.

Every year on election day that is not an "election year" for that office, you have a simple vote of "do you think that XXX is doing a good enough job tio warrant their staying in office: Yes/No.

If a simple majority says, "no," then next year is an election year.

In other words, if i have to be reviews and appraised every year, why can't these political suckholes?

Goodbye Callisto & Skaši, Hello Ishara:
2022 Kia Stinger GT2 AWD
The only thing every single person from every single walk of life on earth can truly say
they have in common is that their country is run by a bunch of fargin iceholes.
Re: All political problems in the world SOLVED... by me
Wednesday, November 08, 2006 1:23 PM on
Re: All political problems in the world SOLVED... by me
Wednesday, November 08, 2006 1:26 PM on
Here's the extension of the concept...

Let's assume a fairy tale world where only taxpaying citizens are allowed to vote and those that are on welfare are no longer allowed. This includes people that are chronic welfare recipients who have been on the dole for generations as well as those that have temporarily fallen on hard times and using the system as a crutch. I feel very differently about those two groups, but we'll save that for another discussion.

Now... the taxpaying citizens would elect representatives that they felt would take proper care of their hard earned money. "Taking care of it" means "not wasting it". A large part of that would be lowering taxes. Lowering taxes puts more money in the pockets of citizens and in the coffers of businesses. More money to spend means more money spent, which means more business, which means more jobs. Next would be welfare reforms... like time limts. Time limits would work fine, because welfare is only supposed to be a crutch, and since there is more jobs you shouldn't need it very long. Oh yeah, and making it illegal to use the word "benefits" to describe welfare. "Benefits" are things that working people get FOR WORKING.

Those that are left that DON'T want to work, and WANT to stay on welfare.... well, tough @!#$. It's our money, not yours. Get a job and carry your weight or GTFO.


Re: All political problems in the world SOLVED... by me
Wednesday, November 08, 2006 1:35 PM on
i agree with the last sentence but disagree that restricting everyone on welfare right to vote solves anything.

Creative Draft Art Media Forums
Re: All political problems in the world SOLVED... by me
Wednesday, November 08, 2006 1:49 PM on
Isn't there already a limit as for how long you can be on welfare? I believe that one passed with Clinton in office. Yeah there are people that abuse it. People abuse everything!! People abuse their right to firearms too - so should we limit the right to vote on people who own them?

Yeah, I didn't think so.

I've never heard of this "part throttle" before. Does it just bolt on?
Re: All political problems in the world SOLVED... by me
Wednesday, November 08, 2006 2:00 PM on
I seem to recall the right to bear arms being a constitutionally guaranteed right. I don't remember learning anything in civics class about the right to not work and have the government give you money to support you for your entire life.

As for time limits...sure that was a centerpiece of the Clinton-era "reforms", but there are so many loopholes in the system that it made little difference to any of the entrenched generational welfare recipients anywhere in the country.


Re: All political problems in the world SOLVED... by me
Wednesday, November 08, 2006 3:03 PM on
I understand that JimmyZ. My point is that - just because some people abuse something - doesn't mean everyone who uses it should be punished.

I've never heard of this "part throttle" before. Does it just bolt on?
Re: All political problems in the world SOLVED... by me
Wednesday, November 08, 2006 3:41 PM on
JimmyZ wrote:Here's the extension of the concept...

Let's assume a fairy tale world where only taxpaying citizens are allowed to vote and those that are on welfare are no longer allowed. This includes people that are chronic welfare recipients who have been on the dole for generations as well as those that have temporarily fallen on hard times and using the system as a crutch. I feel very differently about those two groups, but we'll save that for another discussion.

Now... the taxpaying citizens would elect representatives that they felt would take proper care of their hard earned money. "Taking care of it" means "not wasting it". A large part of that would be lowering taxes. Lowering taxes puts more money in the pockets of citizens and in the coffers of businesses. More money to spend means more money spent, which means more business, which means more jobs. Next would be welfare reforms... like time limts. Time limits would work fine, because welfare is only supposed to be a crutch, and since there is more jobs you shouldn't need it very long. Oh yeah, and making it illegal to use the word "benefits" to describe welfare. "Benefits" are things that working people get FOR WORKING.

Those that are left that DON'T want to work, and WANT to stay on welfare.... well, tough @!#$. It's our money, not yours. Get a job and carry your weight or GTFO.
Interesting Idea Jimmy:

Why not get parity in Taxation first? A dollar is a dollar is a dollar right? So why is it that Corporations pay less than 14 cents of every tax dollar, yet, they as a group make over 4000 times the amount of money every single american makes combined? You want to end welfare, you oughtta chalk in corporate welfare on that list of indigents and ne'er do wells.

On top of that, why not make it incumbent on those that want their Tax return money (whatever their socio-political status), or driver's licenses renewed to vote. It seems to me that the total turn-out has been less than 55% of the eligible population for the last 25 years... If you want to start excluding people from voting I think it might be a bit of a no-brainer to start including those that aren't voting in the first place to fill the void.

Jeremy: The No-Confidence vote is a great idea, but what do you do in the mean-time? Government without leadership? I trust a Bureaucrat a lot less than a Democrat or Republican.

Also, it's a nice idea, but it'll just prolong things.

Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.

Re: All political problems in the world SOLVED... by me
Wednesday, November 08, 2006 5:29 PM on
Well, when the government ashut down during the clinton administrations...nothing happened.

Seems to me like it's a bigger waste of space than MTV.

Goodbye Callisto & Skaši, Hello Ishara:
2022 Kia Stinger GT2 AWD
The only thing every single person from every single walk of life on earth can truly say
they have in common is that their country is run by a bunch of fargin iceholes.
Re: All political problems in the world SOLVED... by me
Wednesday, November 08, 2006 5:36 PM on
the solution to the problem is to kill all the jews....

except me....

then I will rule with the iron fist.

"boobs now with Riboflabin"
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