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Re: whiteman=bad
Wednesday, November 02, 2005 5:07 AM on j-body.org
mikec2003 wrote:not to mention, is it our fault that slavery happened in america.....no.

and besides, if it wasnt' for slavery, the dumbass in the video probably wouldn't be alive anyways.

i think most "african americans" (i hate that term...i don't demand that everyone refer to me as an irish/scottish/greek american) fail to realize that if it wasn't for slavery, they probably would never exist
I want to first comment on your last response:
It's the arrogant attitude that some white males such as yourself have that causes a lot of the problems America faces today, as fr as race relations is concerned. You believe that your ancestors did a favor to Blacks by bringing them here to the United States and making them work for free and then give them nothing in return. Africa was doing just fine before the White man came along. Blacks had LONG survived without the arrogant white man's help and still would have taken care of themselves just fine. I mean they did make it through slavery didn't they? Its that kind of attitude that shows you to be exactly who you are. Part of that breed that most Americans would like to see done away with.

You'd like to believe the White history books that are going to cover up the truth about things concerning the African Slave Trade.
1675 African Trade was cut of at the Nile by whites. The African economy was sent into a recession. Because of this the African government began selling African POW's and death row inmates to Whites. The whites used the knowledge that these same inmates and POW's possessed to begin capturing black slaves. This is not what they teach you in class or what they show you on TV. The only thing they want to focus on is that Blacks sold Blacks which was not entirely accurate. What you had was criminals sold to whites, and created a criminal empire...so it was more like blacks sold criminals to criminals and ended up suffering in the end for it. Michael Crowder, Chancellor Williams, and Eric A. Walker all have works that you should read. After you read them, check their facts with their sources.

"Speak the truth, and leave immediately after"
"The urge to save Humanity is almost ALWAYS a false front for the urge to rule"
"He who knoweth things as they are and not as they are said or seem to be, he truly is wise, and is taught of God more than of men."

Re: whiteman=bad
Wednesday, November 02, 2005 6:51 AM on j-body.org

There was slavery in Africa long before any white influence was felt. War Prisoners, their wives and children, and criminals were all subjugated.

It's a function of humanity.

Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.

Re: whiteman=bad
Wednesday, November 02, 2005 7:21 AM on j-body.org
Every time one African village raided another they took the survivors as slaves. Egypt
had slaves long before the evil white devils showed up. But who do you think sold those slave to white people in the first place? Other blacks. So please don't try to say we invented slavery cause it was the Africans that invented it all we did was buy what you were selling. Oh and don't forget it was only about a quarter of the blacks brought to this country were slaves the rest were indentured servants which meant they were servants till they paid back the money it cost to bring them here. Also you shouldn't forget that free blacks had other blacks as slaves too. Please at least try to get things correct before you go making posts about how whites were responsible for all the slavery in the world. And if you want to blame someone for slavery blame you own ancestors for selling one another into slavery in the first place. Or better yet the Egyptions for have the Jews as slaves. I believe that was WAAAYYYY before the first black man was chained up and sold in this country. Once you reseach the history of slavery then you come back and let us know who started it.

But I have a clue for you it wasn't whities doing it was blacks enslaveing blacks and selling them to whites.

Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.

Re: whiteman=bad
Wednesday, November 02, 2005 8:52 AM on j-body.org
I still hate white people.


Re: whiteman=bad
Wednesday, November 02, 2005 8:56 AM on j-body.org
Jack: there were white indentured servants or slaves too.. Aryan/Steppe villages had them long before coming in contact with black africans.

Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.

Re: whiteman=bad
Wednesday, November 02, 2005 10:02 AM on j-body.org
GAM (The Kilted One) wrote:Cham:

There was slavery in Africa long before any white influence was felt. War Prisoners, their wives and children, and criminals were all subjugated.

It's a function of humanity.
Gam, were not talking about Intra-racial or tribal Slavery. Were talking about the Whites who came into Africa and enslaved Blacks who are now descendants of those slaves, (I know I know...mixed race children etc..blah blah) and the problems that still face them today for being the color that they are.

I don't agree with the guy that this thread was started behind, especially if he can't back up his claims which are false to begin with. I do however know better than to think that times have changed so much that certain agendas are not aimed at particular groups or cultures and the destruction thereof.

"Speak the truth, and leave immediately after"
"The urge to save Humanity is almost ALWAYS a false front for the urge to rule"
"He who knoweth things as they are and not as they are said or seem to be, he truly is wise, and is taught of God more than of men."
Re: whiteman=bad
Wednesday, November 02, 2005 10:22 AM on j-body.org
Gam, I know there were indentured servents from Ireland and basicly all over. Slavery
was around for thousands of years in Egypt. Who do you think built the pyrimids? They weren't day laborors thats for sure. I believe they were Jews and if I remember corectly Jews are white so in that case the Africans enslaved the white people too. So to those who wiss to point fingers as to who enslaved whom just remember every time you point your finger theres four more pointing right back at you.

Cham. I'm not directing these posts to you but rather anyone who thinks white people invented slavery.

Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.

Re: whiteman=bad
Wednesday, November 02, 2005 11:10 AM on j-body.org
Most likely, at that time, Jack, the jews looked like anyone else form the middle east...

Otherwise, it's like saying all Muslims are arab, all christians are white, everyone that practices Voodoo is black, all budhists are asian/indian...et al.

Goodbye Callisto & Skaši, Hello Ishara:
2022 Kia Stinger GT2 AWD
The only thing every single person from every single walk of life on earth can truly say
they have in common is that their country is run by a bunch of fargin iceholes.
Re: whiteman=bad
Wednesday, November 02, 2005 11:29 AM on j-body.org

affirmative action = bad
racism = stupid

quoted for truth..

Re: whiteman=bad
Wednesday, November 02, 2005 11:41 AM on j-body.org
i farted

Re: whiteman=bad
Wednesday, November 02, 2005 11:48 AM on j-body.org
Keeper I was only pointing out slavery existed long before white people got to Africa.

Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.

Re: whiteman=bad
Wednesday, November 02, 2005 11:55 AM on j-body.org
Some people watch television too much. The Egypt that you see on television is not the Egypt that history shows you. Please read a little more, especially from the guys I tlked about earlier.

"Speak the truth, and leave immediately after"
"The urge to save Humanity is almost ALWAYS a false front for the urge to rule"
"He who knoweth things as they are and not as they are said or seem to be, he truly is wise, and is taught of God more than of men."
Re: whiteman=bad
Wednesday, November 02, 2005 12:17 PM on j-body.org
History shows Egypt was built thru the extensive use of slave labor. Be them slaves of whatever race or religion they were still slaves. But I guess the U.F.O's helped them build the pryamids huh? ( rollseyes )

Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.

Re: whiteman=bad
Wednesday, November 02, 2005 1:15 PM on j-body.org
we all know the cats built the pyramids thats why they were worshiped

Re: whiteman=bad
Wednesday, November 02, 2005 1:33 PM on j-body.org

Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.

Re: whiteman=bad
Wednesday, November 02, 2005 2:14 PM on j-body.org
Guess I should practice what I preach...

The only slaves were those through warfare. The primary builders of pyramids were the subjects of the Pharaoh who were made to give their time and effort for a the betterment of Egypt. As I stated before, stop watching so much TV and read more.

"Speak the truth, and leave immediately after"
"The urge to save Humanity is almost ALWAYS a false front for the urge to rule"
"He who knoweth things as they are and not as they are said or seem to be, he truly is wise, and is taught of God more than of men."
Re: whiteman=bad
Wednesday, November 02, 2005 3:44 PM on j-body.org
Grow up, Who is to say my ancestors weren't slaves? you don' know that every white person's ancestors inflicted slavery on black. Maybe someone's ancestors were the ones that helped free blacks. I'm not saying that what happen over 40 years ago wasn't wrong, but can you honestly sit here and bicker about how bad black people had it? Once again look at the Jews, they were taken from their life just like the blacks, if they weren't strong enough to work or were a child, they would gas them and then burn their bodies. Blacks aren't the only ones who have suffered pain and if you think you are then you need to go get a education because you're NOT! White people were slaves too along time ago. Who do you think built the pyramids and who were gladiators brought in for entertainment to fight to the death? So spare me your bullsh*t about how blacks have had it so much worse then any other race. Its crap like this that is passed on from generation to generation that causes the problems we have today. I wasn't the one who enslaved your people and either is the majority of the people that live today. Take you raciest crap somewhere else because I for one don't want to hear it. And don't tell me that I'm not open to how things were, I have spent the last 4 years in college on my BA and now I am almost done with my Masters and then I will be going in to Law School to DEFEND people that have been victims of a crime. I grew up with blacks and many of them were good friends. My parents taught me to see PEOPLE NOT COLOR. Maybe you should try to do the same.

Re: whiteman=bad
Wednesday, November 02, 2005 3:47 PM on j-body.org
white people are so dumb. lets constantly remind white people of how they enslaved black people and tell them that there racist whether they believe it or not blah, blah blah... funny how this thread went from some crazy guy on a rant to how white people enslaved black people.

Re: whiteman=bad
Wednesday, November 02, 2005 4:52 PM on j-body.org
Cham, So they were MADE to give there time and efforts for the betterment of Egypt.......
Hmmm, Guess you could say that the blacks that were brought over here for the exact same thing so its cool right? PUHLEEZ!! Look man I'm not dumb enough to believe that crap and judging from some of your past postings your not dumb either so please don't try and tell us that the Egyptians didn't have slaves. Or as some else brought up the Romans had slaves too and I don't remember ever hearing of the black slaves in ancient Rome so who do you think were those slaves??? MY ANCESTORS were. So I guess I should sue the modern day govt over there for reparations for the hardships ancestors my had to suffer . Look man slavery has been around for ever. NO I'm not condoning it or belittling it but I'm so sick and tired of hearing the same old crying about how oppressed blacks are and how they can't better there lives and how noone ever helps them blah blah blah blah. I grew up as a poor ass son of a city cop in an all damn near black neighborhood so you think you had it rough? HA! A skinny white boy, son of a cop growing up in the city. I heard "hey white boy give me that bike" damn near every day. I went to school and then college thru grants that anyone can get. Now I own a house bigger then my parents ever did and 2 new cars which they never had. 2 black guys I grew up with did the same thing the rest are in jail or dead or does who knows what. They need to get off there ass and work and they can have a good life. The only ones keeping a brother down are other brothers. Slavery ended a long time ago I never owned a slave neither did anyone in my family so stop crying to me about how terrible white people are.

Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.

Re: whiteman=bad
Wednesday, November 02, 2005 5:02 PM on j-body.org
...and somewhere right now, there's a black, white, latino, native american, arab, and indian rich person going to the bank while we're busy bickering over thins...

Goodbye Callisto & Skaši, Hello Ishara:
2022 Kia Stinger GT2 AWD
The only thing every single person from every single walk of life on earth can truly say
they have in common is that their country is run by a bunch of fargin iceholes.
Re: whiteman=bad
Wednesday, November 02, 2005 5:20 PM on j-body.org
Chamillionaire wrote:
mikec2003 wrote:not to mention, is it our fault that slavery happened in america.....no.

and besides, if it wasnt' for slavery, the dumbass in the video probably wouldn't be alive anyways.

i think most "african americans" (i hate that term...i don't demand that everyone refer to me as an irish/scottish/greek american) fail to realize that if it wasn't for slavery, they probably would never exist
I want to first comment on your last response:
It's the arrogant attitude that some white males such as yourself have that causes a lot of the problems America faces today, as fr as race relations is concerned.

............................removed to shorten post...........................

..Williams, and Eric A. Walker all have works that you should read. After you read them, check their facts with their sources.

whats arrogant about what i said? i know i should have said most people fail to acknowledge, not fail to realize.

im not trying to say slavery was right or point fingers, i was just pointing out the simple truth, that most black people in america, most likely would not have existed had slavery in the U.S.A. not occured.

i don't think there is anything arrogant about pointing out a simple truth

You'll never touch God's hand
You'll never taste God's breath
Because you'll never see the second coming
Life's too short to be focused on insanity
I've seen the ways of God
I'll take the devil any day
Hail Satan

(slayer, skeleton christ, 2006)

Re: whiteman=bad
Wednesday, November 02, 2005 6:31 PM on j-body.org
Jackalope, fix your sig and spell "realy" right.


SLK 32

Re: whiteman=bad
Wednesday, November 02, 2005 7:37 PM on j-body.org
Jack: I think Cham is trying to say that the people weren't "slaves" per se, but they were doing "comunity service," at the behest of the pharoh, with the penalty attached for non-compliance. They weren't "owned" per se. Most of the stone masons and architects were there not as paid labourers, but they were free to go home when the work was completed, I mean, think of it, most slaves aren't taught an exacting art and then made to live in oppression.. The Manual labour etc, I'm not sure, they might have been slaves, not sure.

The "white" slaves you're talking about weren't "white" or Aryan. They were Mediterranean/African Caucasians (Not whites, there are significant differences, But I won't start a breakdown of the 3 major humanoid forms) or Sephardic Jews (The idea that lily white caucasian Ashkenazi Jews were slaves to the Pharoh's is preposterous).

True, Whites were indentured servants (I had family in the building of New Orleans... Irish were cheaper than dirt during the potato famine), but, WASPy society tolerated them much more easily than you would ever see blacks tolerated.

Also, I don't think Cham is a bigot or a racist (as you have ineloquently put it), and he does have a point, just because you're not following his logic (or his posts apparently) doesn't detract from that. I would walk a mile in someone else's shoes before you start labelling them. BTW, having a Bachelors/Masters in anything doesn't mean much other than you can hit a set of targets in an acedemic setting. If you paid more attention to detail and researched a little before you fire off a post might be a sage idea... word to the wise (from someone that's got a Masters in Engineering). Again, you and I have about as much experience being black as I have of giving birth (to recycle an analogy). Don't pretend there's no problem, that kind of thinking is what started this mess.

Your point has been made, though it might have been taken in the wrong way or read into more than was warranted. I wouldn't worry about it.

Question: Didn't the hotentots (sp?) have a caste system that subjugated "inferior" people to slave-like duties? I might be mistaking them with the Zulu tribes...

I do remember that there was slave trading among African tribes noted by a Dutch explorer (I forget which though..I was in Highschool last time I somewhat thoroughly researched it).

Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.

Re: whiteman=bad
Thursday, November 03, 2005 6:16 AM on j-body.org
Well all I know Gam is that the labor force that actualy built them you know cut and moved the stone have always been called slaves in every book I had ever read. Now
what they were happy workers that willingly worked themselves to death building them? Thats revisionist history and its not true. Sorry if that makes the Egyptions not seem like the enlightened bunch they like to think that they are but they were nothing more then slavers. Damn near every group at one time or another has had to endure slavery and damn near every group has owned slaves as well. I'm done here this can only get ugly and I'm tired of fighting around here.

Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.

Re: whiteman=bad
Thursday, November 03, 2005 7:42 AM on j-body.org
New evidence is surfacing all the time. Revisionist history is not lies, it's updated. Sometimes just removing propaganda makes history "revisionist" well too bad. Accuracy is way more important than upholding the lies of the past.

In Egypt, writings have been found that indicate it was a privalege to be called into service by the Pharoh and that it was a term appointment. IE: you were to work on the project until complete or a set number of years, then you were expected to return to your previous stance in life. It was not forced labour with the exception of POWs (like the Hebrews).

I don't think there is a culture in history that has not had slavery in some form or another. Even Tibetans have a kind of "cast" system. Heck, they even have violent crime, but nobody would believe it until they saw it themselves.

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